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Pet Ambulance

In an emergency, you can call 911, but what about when your 4 legged furry family member is facing a medical emergency? Think of all the disabled, senior, and legally blind members of our community, who lack access to a motor vehicle and the ability to transport their animals to a Veterinarian Hospital,  Why not create a "Pet Ambulance", and expand 911 services to those at risk community members? In the interim, remove all government barriers to allow for existing Ride-share(Lyft, Uber, etc.) companies to offer this service.  

Big Foot Hunting Tags

Idaho is one of the states in the Pacific NW, with a long history of Bigfoot sightings.  Why not make Idaho the #1 state for Bigfoot tourism, by expanding the Idaho Dept. of Fish & Game hunting tag program to include Bigfoot? For a nominal fee of $100, anyone world wide can come to Idaho and hunt for Bigfoot. Just like Lock Ness, Scotland, and Roswell, New Mexico, "mythical creatures", can create a lasting tourism economy.  

Wine, Beer, and Spirits

Did you know that some of the grain in Eastern Idaho goes towards the production of Coors Beer? In addition to this we have several Idaho based Beer, Wine, and Spirits producers. Go visit the grocery store or state run liquor stores and look an how many of the options are coming from out of state. Just imagine the economic impact if we could replace these imports with Idaho Made options? It is said that automobile manufacturing lines created 10 jobs for every 1 line worker.  Just think of the impact of capturing more manufacturing industry for Idaho? Because Spirits are exclusively sold in "State run", stores, I propose waving the State Sales tax for Idaho made products. The loss in sales tax revenue will be eclipsed from the jobs and production in state. Having built a successful bottled water factory in the Caribbean, I know how to "on shore", lost manufacturing industries.  

Medical Marijuana 

As a former patient of the Spine Center at Ceders-Sini Hospital in Los Angeles, I was given the choice of any pain medication for treatment including "Oxycontin".  Fortunately, I asked my doctor about Medical Cannabis as an alternative, to which he agreed is a better option.  I cannot imagine where my life would be if I said yes to "Oxycontin".  I obtained both my Los Angles and State of California Medical Cannabis ID cards and relied upon licensed dispensaries for medication.  What is different today, is that the CBD element from Cannabis has been isolated, without the THC exposure risk. CBD is legal in Idaho, so this pain management option is available to all Idahoans.  Regarding other forms of marijuana, when Walgreens, SaveOn, RiteAid, or other licensed pharmacies come forward with a proposal to include Marijuana along with the other pharmaceuticals they dispense, then harmonizing the laws for Idaho makes sense.

Ranked Choice Voting / Open Primaries 

I am against both Ranked Choice Voting(RCV) and Open Primaries expected to be on the November ballot by Reclaim Idaho, here is my Op-Ed published in the Idaho Dispatch explaining my position in greater detail.


Net Zero Immigration to achieve Net Zero Carbon emissions.  If you are actually serious about achieving Net Zero Carbon emissions, it begins with a moratorium on immigration. More people means even more carbon footprints.  IF you are not serious about restricting or ending immigration, then you are not actually serious about lowering emissions, Look at Switzerland, it is a beautiful place and stays that way due to the strict immigration policies and the near impossibility of obtaining Swiss Citizenship.  

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